

Rasd: Successful Leadership

Forbes defines leadership as a process of social influence that maximizes the efforts of others towards the achievement of a goal. Kevin Kruse, the author of Great Leaders Have No Rules, shared that leadership has nothing to do with seniority, titles, or personal attributes. It is also much different than management. While managers manage things, leaders lead people.

Rasd executive search explains the importance of leadership in their recent blog.  A vital aspect of an organization’s development and success is leadership. For an organization to reach its goals and objectives, its leadership needs to be effective. Styles and approaches differ from one leader to another, and the result is that effective leadership creates the conditions for successful and sustainable organizations.

The blog outlines the following: 

  •  Leadership Traits

  •  Steps to Achieving Successful Organizations

  •  Leading by Example

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Yassmine Alieh
Thought leadership category