

Odgers Berndtson: Are MNCs Taking The Most Intelligent Approach In Asia?

Odgers Berndtson reported economic trends point to a bright future for Multi-National Companies in Asia.  Asia, as a region, represents 23% of global revenue and is home to half the world’s population. However, Odgers Berndtson finds that what is being predicted for global companies in Asia is not what is being delivered.

Interviewing businesses about their performance in Asia illuminated five common challenges that emerge across all business sectors.

  1. Communications, Culture & Understanding. MNCs business model that work in other markets do not always work in Asia. 
  2. Talent. The rising salary costs and attrition makes it hard for MNCs to attract talent.
  3. Competition, Expectations & Economic Realities. Global companies have increased their focus on emerging markets, which in turn has created more competition.
  4. Strategy & Structure.  The successful strategy in a home market does not always translate well into Asia markets.
  5. Corruption & Compliance. Corruption investigations and anti-monopoly laws have turned away many MNC executives.

The full report is published on Odgers Berndtson’s website. Read the full report.



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