

Diversified Search: Healthcare Leadership and Gender

Diversified Search along with the Women’s Leadership Center at Kennesaw State University conducted a study on leadership in the healthcare industry. The study found different values among men and women in leadership positions. The report found differences among genders in terms of:

  • Career Path. More women were promoted from within their organizations, while more men were likely to be hired from outside. Prior to being in healthcare leadership positions 44% of women have a nursing background, whereas 66% of men have backgrounds in medicine, finance or general administration.
  • Compensation. Women’s compensation was 35% lower than men in similar positions.
  • Career Satisfaction. Women derive much more significance from doing work that has a meaning and contributes to society.
  • Career Success. Women value flexibility and support from the organization and from mentors when thinking about the levers that they would need to be successful in their careers, whereas as men more typically cite willingness to move as a factor that would benefit their career.
  • Challenges to Career Advancement. Women were more likely to mention the need to prioritize family over work as a challenge for career advancement.

The full article is published on Diversified Search’s website. Read the full article.


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