

Boyden: US Retail & Consumer Leaders Prepare for AI

Boyden released a new senior executive survey of consumer/retail executives’ views on AI and the tech revolution’s impact on the sector.

The survey includes data from 200 industry executives from the US, UK, Switzerland and China, and includes CEOs, COOs, CDO, CIOs and other top executives.

The topics covered include global challenges and areas of opportunity, skills necessary for success, and the path forward for companies amidst AI and tech innovations.

Here are a few key insights:

  • 48% of the US executives feel qualified to implement AI and technology solutions at their companies, while 94% of Chinese and Swiss execs, and 90% of UK believe they are prepared.
  • Nine-in-ten males feel qualified to implement technology and AI at their companies, while just two-thirds of female execs feel prepared.
  • To meet the needs and demands of AI and tech changes, 42% of US executives believe their company should hire employees with tech and AI skillsets and backgrounds.
  • Most executives believe the greater inclusion of robotics and AI in the consumer and retail industries will have a positive impact on safety and security of consumer information and on the global economy.

Read the full report

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