

Heidrick & Struggles: Can a Leader from a Large Financial Services Industry Firm Thrive at an Industry Disruptor?

In the past several years, senior executive talent has increasingly moved between large, traditional financial institutions and small, innovative upstarts in tech and fintech.

In a new study, Heidrick & Struggles identified 150 CEOs and GMs that successfully transitioned from a traditional financial services firm to a disruptor, and vice versa. They developed a scorecard for the assessments of the executive's experiences, including value creation, length of tenure, career progression, and talent development. Ultimately, leaders with a high probability of success scored well on the following experiences:

  • Leading companies through multiple stages of growth
  • Working in multiple industry segments that differ substantially
  • Thriving in a variety of management structures

The main goals of this crossover talent are multiplicity, agility, leadership capabilities and self-awareness. 

Read the full report

Thought leadership category