

Acertitude: COVID-19: Leading Through the Crisis

Businesses were thrust into turbulent operating conditions and economic uncertainty when the pandemic broke out, unsure if they would survive the crisis. As we shift from survival and safety to recovery and reentry, the question is not if businesses can return to market but how they can do it.

Leaders still must contend with disruptions that impact their businesses and employees. Understandably, the uncertainties that continue to surround the coronavirus will affect employee productivity, motivation, and performance even as the “new normal” takes shape and stabilizes.

To successfully pivot their businesses toward recovery amid these challenges, leaders must practice open communication. They must show their teams that no matter the situation, the company will remain agile and adjust — whether by creating new action plans or hiring new talent.

Topics discussed in this article:

  • Engage to Unleash Potential
  • Make Smart Moves
  • Reevaluate Talent Needs
  • Lead With Purpose

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