
TRANSEARCH recently acquired New Principal, Bill Haggerty

The Melbourne office of TRANSEARCH Australia recently acquired new Principal, Bill Haggerty.

With over 19 years’ experience in executive search, Bill Haggerty specializes in recruiting Senior Executives, including CEOs, Project Directors and Managers in the Engineering, Transport and Infrastructure sectors. He is an active member of Engineers Australia and is committed to promoting the engineering profession and gender diversity within engineering. He has a very broad commercial background with extensive management, and international business development and project management experience, with particular emphasis in engineering, transport, construction and aerospace.

Bill has successfully completed recruitment assignments for transport and policy organizations including the National Transport Commission, VicRoads, Downer and Bluestar Global Transport. He is a regular participant in Roads Australia, Infrastructure Victoria, Infrastructure Australia and in Engineers Australia seminars around electric vehicles and the implications for green hydrogen as an energy source for vehicles.

Bill is a Fellow of Engineers Australia with Chartered and EngExec status and a Graduate of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Civil Engineering and Management.