

Heidrick & Struggles: How Does Your CHRO Think

According to Heidrick and Struggles talent is the ultimate differentiator in business, and HR serves the critical function of attracting, retaining, and nurturing top performers. A high-performing CHRO can make or break a company’s talent strategy and have an outsized influence on its culture. But not all CHROs are created equal.
Their experience working with CHRO candidates and companies looking to hire and develop them suggests that CEOs prioritize the following attributes in CHROs:
  • Relies on data—not gut feelings. A CHRO should not only understand but lead the charge to incorporate data analytics into the HR function.
  • Predicts employee behavior. Leading CHROs are fluent in the predictive analytics that have revolutionized talent attraction, retention, and management (including management of talent risk).
  • Understands how the company makes money. A successful CHRO is, in essence, the CEO of HR. He or she runs HR like a business and is constantly seeking new ways to gain a competitive advantage.

Heidrick and Struggles details more attributes, click here to read the full article. 

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