Executive Talent Magazine: Volume Five

This issue marks the beginning of Executive Talent magazine, former Search Magazine. As our profession continues to develop deeper and more meaningful advisory relationships with their clients, we wanted to broaden the focus.

In this issue of Executive Talent magazine, we: 

  • Discuss the correlation between inclusion and innovation with Lauren Leader-Chivee, founder and CEO of All in Together.

  • Look at big social data to see how it can transform the way we assess leadership potential.

  • Outline the new leadership skills needed to adapt to the economic disruption of the future with Richard Dobbs, Director of the McKinsey Global Institute.

  • Explain how to ensure that you’re successful capturing candidate data with Kandace Miller of The Cluen Corporation.

  • Answer what candidates’ social media profiles say about them with Peter Lagomarsino of The Mintz Group.

  • And more



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