Breakfast Roundtable Discussions hosted by Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business

July 27 - 28, 2016 | Georgetown University, Washington, D.C

On the mornings of July 27th and 28th, McDonough School of Business is hosting a series of Breakfast Roundtable Discussions for the Georgetown-ESADE Global Executive MBA class of 2016. The objective of these discussions is to provide an intimate setting for students to learn firsthand about the executive search industry and current hiring trends.

Participation at this event provides a great opportunity to raise the visibility of our profession to the next generation of business leaders. The following AESC Members are scheduled to lead roundtable discussions: Jared Oren (Heidrick & Struggles), Caitlin Iseler (Korn Ferry) and Mickey Matthews (Stanton Chase International).

If you are interested in participating or would like more information about this event, please contact Laura McGregor at