

Stanton Chase: What CFOs Are Relying On For Recovery

Stanton Chase canvassed more than 250 CFOs from around the globe to gain their perspectives on what they and their organizations experienced in 2020 and their expectations going forward. CFOs were hard-pressed not to view everything through the lens of COVID-19 as they dealt with the immediate fallout.

Changing environments and new risks have clearly led to shifting priorities and support the continued evolution of the CFO’s expanding role.

Here are some notable data points found in Stanton Chases's global survey:

  • 2/3 of CFOs reported noting a decline within their industry in 2020 compared to 2019
  • 41% of CFOs surveyed reported feeling that they or their organization are adequately prepared to address the risks associated with the coming year’s challenges
  • 61% of CFOs said technology has helped them shift talent and skills requirements

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Cathy Logue
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