

Stanton Chase: Internet of Things and the C-Suite

The Internet of Things (IoT) will make every industry a data-driven business. The impacts of technology will surpass consumer-driven industries like finance, advertising, and healthcare to non-consumer businesses like industrial, logistics and transportation, and energy and natural resources. In a recent report, Stanton Chase explores the impact of the Internet of Things.

With approximately 4.9 billion devices connected to the internet, it is expected to increase 400% to 25 billion in 2020. What the IoT provides is a greater level of knowledge. Businesses will be able to know more about their customers, clients, employees and other audiences than ever before.

It is not the information organizations are exposed to that will empower their success. Rather, innovation, communication, and reciprocity between executives and their teams that will be what set organizations apart.

The full report is published on Stanton Chase’s website. Read the full report.


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