

Odgers Berndtson: Will This Fix Your Talent Pipeline

Building a strong talent pipeline is seen as a challenge today, but is nowhere as difficult as it will be with growing markets and shrinking talent pools.  For example, over the next 30 years, it is projected that the EU’s workforce will shrink by 53 million and China’s by 100 million.

A recent report by Odgers Berndtson examines how India’s demographic dividend might be the key to building a talent pipeline. For the report, Odgers Berndtson interviewed 37 successful Indian executives from global companies living outside of India. The majority of those interviewed were recruited by multinational corporations from universities in India and transferred overseas.

Many of them linked their success to education, English language skills, competitive by nature, creative problem solving, mobility, adaptability, humility and realistic expectations. The idea of growing a talent pipeline in countries that have a demographic dividend is not new. Citibank and Unilever have invested in growing talent in India since the 1970s.

The full report is published on Odgers Berndtson’s website. Read the full report.


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