

Spencer Stuart: Executive Onboarding

In a recent report Spencer Stuart finds that when it comes to hiring, it can take several months and significant resources. Yet, onboarding does not receive the same level of effort as the hiring process. This trend is not only common but costly, 40% of the executives who change roles or get promoted fail in the first 18 months.

Spencer Stuart finds that misconceptions about onboarding can undermine its value and deter organization from ramping up their efforts. They find four common myths and outline how they are false. Among them are:

  1. It’s an unnecessary expense with uncertain returns
  2. Challenging onboarding experience is a rite of passage and proving ground for new talent
  3. New leaders need to focus exclusively on delivering immediate wins
  4. Onboarding begins on Day 1 and ends on Day 30 or 60

The full report is published on Spencer Stuart’s website. Read the full report.


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