

Stanton Chase: How Startups Changed the Financial Landscape

A Close Look Into Executive Search in Today’s Fintech Era

Today’s digital era took root several decades ago, but we are only now taking advantage of its many blessings. The global financial landscape is reshaping not only our daily lives and habits, but also many major industries including medicine and jurisdiction, as well as the economy. Stanton Chase shares a robust report and infographic on the birth and future of fintech thanks to startups. Here are a few of the statistics:

  • The global adoption rate of fintech is about 64%.
  • Fintech unicorns are private companies worth a billion and more. Currently, there are 39 of these, valued at more than $147.37 billion.
  • The annual global investment in financial technology jumped exponentially, from $1.2 billion in 2008 to $12.2 billion in 2014.
  • China, India, and Russia are the world’s leading economies when it comes to fintech-market adoption.
  • The main reason for customer acceptance of these technologies includes more attractive rates and fees, overall online experience and functionality, and simplicity and quality of setting up and using the services and being able to access different products/services.
  • 1.7 billion adult consumers still have no bank account; yet, since 2011, roughly 1.2 billion have gained access to various banking services and products.
  • These 1.7 billion could easily make the global economy richer for an additional $600 billion once they start using fintech services.

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