

Slayton Search Partners: What Does 2022 Hold for Women in the Workplace?

How are women handling the workplace in the current state of the world? The data has shown us that female labor force participation is the lowest it's been in 33 years.

Although the number of women in leadership is increasing, women are reporting to feel more burnout compared to men and this number has in fact doubled in the last year. This has led to women wanting to leave the workforce or slow down their careers. Slayton Search Partners conducted their own survey which found that 40% of women in the workforce cite negative consequences to their physical and mental health. It leads us to think, are "flexible" work environments enough, and are companies putting in efforts to combat this?

More insights from this article include:

  • Current state of women in the workforce

  • How is remote work impacting women?

  • How companies can respond going forward

  • Real world examples of supporting women in the workplace


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Molly Hull
Thought leadership category