

Ingeniam Executive Search: Diversity in Times Like These - Luxury or Must?

Diversity and Pandemic. Do these topics have anything in common, or do they work in a mutually exclusive fashion? In other words, are diversity and its close cousin inclusion a necessity in these challenging times of a global Pandemic, or are they nothing but a luxurious option relevant only for those who can afford it?

Stephan B. Breitfled, Global Practice Group Leader "Life Sciences and Healthcare" at IIC Partners and Managing Partner for Ingeniam Executive Search writes a thoughtful article to answer these questions.

  • Diversity pays off. One study found, for instance, that companies with greater ethnic and cultural diversity tend to outperform their competitors by more than 30% (source).
  • Good intentions are not enough. Diversity starts with a solid strategic approach. 
  • Diversify your hiring = diversify your company. You need to think diversity not only at one department or level – make sure that you cover your company at whole.

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Stephan B. Breitfield
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